When You Might Want to Consider Animal Boarding

Animal Boarding is leaving your pet(s) in the care of a professional for a short time period such as a few days, where you can be sure they will be taken care of properly. Pets will rest in kennels and be provided food, water, attention, and medical care if necessary. They will also be given some exercise, such as being taken for a walk (dogs) or allowed to play in a play room (cats). Animal boarding is a service offered by some veterinary clinics, animal hospitals, trusted kennels, and "animal resorts" made specifically for boarding. Your best bet is to use the service of a veterinary clinic since they will usually have the most professional and knowledgeable staff.   

Why Is Animal Boarding Used?

According to a web source, over thirty million pet owners per year turn to animal boarding services for help. What might lead them to do this? There are several common reasons.

Travel. If a pet owner has to go on a business trip, needs to go out of town for an emergency, or needs a personal vacation, he or she will need a safe place to leave their pet during the trip. Traveling with pets can be a huge hassle and is stressful for the animals as well as the owners. There are often restrictions, such as hotels not allowing pets, that make things even more complicated.   

Hospitalization. If a pet owner is hospitalized from an injury, an illness, or a mental health breakdown, he or she may not be able to care for the pet(s) for a few days. With hospitals, you can never be entirely certain of when you will be released. Hospitalizations may happen suddenly, as well, making it difficult to ask someone else to abruptly start caring for one's animals. This is another case where animal boarding is a great option. 

Temporarily Unable to Provide. Thinking along the same lines as a hospitalization or an emergency calling one out of town, there are cases where a pet owner becomes temporarily unable to provide care to the pet(s). For example, if the person is recovering from a mental health breakdown, they may not yet be ready to resume daily responsibilities. Similarly, if a badly injured patient has limited mobility for a time until physical therapy fixes the problem, he or she may not be able to provide care. A person who has been bereaved of a family member might need someone to take care of their pet(s) for a few days until they can perform daily activities again. 

For more information, contact an animal boarding center like Marquette Animal Hospital.

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Choosing a Veterinarian to Care for Your Pets

It can be tough to know exactly what your pet is feeling, especially when they are displaying strange behaviors that aren’t typical of their personality. Finding a reliable veterinarian to help you care for your pets is essential, because they can help you put the puzzle pieces together and figure out what a pet might be going through when you can’t figure it out yourself. An experienced veterinarian will work to rule out all possible health problems, and if successful, they should be able to provide you with the support and guidance you need to find a solution. For more information about what to look for in a qualified veterinarian and how they can best help you provide optimal care for your pets, browse the pages on this blog and check back often for updates!