Three Ways To Deal With A Dog That Is Asthmatic

It can be frightening for any dog owner to see indicators of asthma in their pet—particularly if they weren't previously aware that dogs can suffer from asthma. Noticing signs such as wheezing and shortness of breath can prompt you to hastily visit a local animal clinic for help. While it can be concerning to learn that your pet has asthma, you might feel encouraged to know that your veterinarian will recommend several different ways to effectively manage this condition. On top of frequent checkups, the following methods can increase the likelihood that your dog leads a long and healthy life. Here are three treatment options that the vet will discuss with you. 

Anti-Inflammatory Medication

Once your veterinarian determines that your dog has asthma, they'll almost certainly write a prescription for anti-inflammatory medication. This medication can help in numerous ways, including lessening the symptoms that make your pet struggle to breathe. Anti-inflammatory medication comes in a few different forms, but it's common to get as a liquid. You can place a specified number of drops directly in the dog's mouth, drip the dose on the pet's food if you're confident that it will consume it all, or administer it in a different way based on the recommendation of the vet.


Children and adults who have asthma often use an inhaler, and you might be surprised to know that this is also a treatment option for a dog with asthma. Canine asthma inhalers don't look like those that humans use. They have a cup at the end that goes over the dog's nose and mouth, allowing you to administer a quick dose of medication whenever there's a need. For example, if you're playing or walking with your dog and it begins to show signs of an asthma attack, you can use the inhaler.

Environmental Changes

In addition to the above two treatment methods, your veterinarian will likely discuss some environmental changes that you can make to help your dog breathe more easily when it has asthma. Just like with children who have this respiratory condition, it's important to lessen the airborne irritants around the pet. For example, your vet might stress the importance of using unscented cleaning products in your home, ceasing the burning of scented candles, and eliminating other strong scents that could potentially trigger an asthma attack. To learn more about managing your dog's asthma, visit your local animal clinic.

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Choosing a Veterinarian to Care for Your Pets

It can be tough to know exactly what your pet is feeling, especially when they are displaying strange behaviors that aren’t typical of their personality. Finding a reliable veterinarian to help you care for your pets is essential, because they can help you put the puzzle pieces together and figure out what a pet might be going through when you can’t figure it out yourself. An experienced veterinarian will work to rule out all possible health problems, and if successful, they should be able to provide you with the support and guidance you need to find a solution. For more information about what to look for in a qualified veterinarian and how they can best help you provide optimal care for your pets, browse the pages on this blog and check back often for updates!